We understand that getting information, approvals and permits in a timely manner is critically important. The quickest and most effective way to receive service from the City of Santa Monica is to schedule an in-person appointment at the Permit Services Center using the City's Appointment Booking webpage. To schedule an appointment with the City, click HERE.
The Permit Services Center is open from Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 8am - 3pm, by appointment only, and is located at:
1685 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(South Entrance, access from Olympic Drive)
Please keep in mind that multiple trips to the City may be required in order to secure an approval or permit. If you are not local or do not have the time to travel to the City, we advise that you hire a permit expeditor. For a list of permit expeditors, click HERE.
Santa Monica's 311 program provides easy access to all non-emergency City services and information.
For questions or inquiries that are not urgent, use the City of Santa Monica's 311 online portal. To access the 311 online portal, click HERE.
Once you have submitted a request through 311, you should receive a response back from the City between one to seven business days.
The City of Santa Monica requires use of the following two websites for its Electronic Plan Review (EPR) submittal process.
- Citizen Access - The website for creating a new building permit application and for making online fee payments. For a tutorial on how to create a plan review project in Citizens Access and upload documents to Electronic Plan Review, click HERE.
- ProjectDox - The website for the upload and review of project plans and supporting materials. Applicants view and receive project corrections, and track project status in ProjectDox. The following ProjectDox video tutorials are available for your reference:
- How to Login and View My Projects and Tasks
- Uploading Plans
- How to Complete My Tasks
- How to View My Project's Changemarks, Checklists, and Comments
- How to Publish a Sheet of Plans as a PDF File
- How to Check the Status of My Project
- How to Pay Fees
- How to Download Approved Plans and Documents
- How to Reset My Password
Submitting an Application
To learn how to submit a permit application for plan review, click HERE.
To learn how to submit for same-day review at the building permit counter, click HERE.
Waste Management Plan
If it is determined that the valuation of your project is at least $50,000 or if the total square feet of your project is equal to or greater than 1,000 sq. ft., then you must complete a Construction & Demolition Waste Management Plan. In addition, projects involving the demolition of a structure require a Waste Management Plan.
To avoid delays in permit issuance, It is strongly recommended that you have your contractor contact the City's waste management staff, prior to submitting your permit application, at CDwaste@santamonica.gov.
For more information on how to submit a Waste Management Plan, click HERE.
Pulling A Permit
Once the City's Permit Specialist has notified you that your review process is complete and your building permit(s) are ready to issue, you will follow the steps listed below. Gather the necessary document requirements for permit issuance and pay your permit fees, and then schedule an in-person appointment to meet with a Permit Specialist at the City of Santa Monica. To schedule an appointment, click HERE.
- Complete the Declaration of Liability online: https://declarations.smgov.net/. Please fill out the form completely by choosing the best answers that apply to how you will perform the work.
- Driver's License or other government-issued ID
- CSLB Card or Information
- City of Santa Monica Business License (Click HERE to apply for one)
- Worker's Compensation information
- Letter of Authorization dated within last 12 months if you are an authorized agent for the contractor
Step 2 of 3. PAY FEES
Please pay any outstanding fees by going to this website: https://epermit.smgov.net/CitizenAccess/.
- Under the Building section, please click on Search Applications and Make Payment
- Search for your project in the Record Number field using your project number
- Go to your record, click on the Payments tab
- Click Fees
- Click on the Pay Fees in blue to pay fees
Once all documents are verified and received, the Permit Specialist will issue the building permit and send an email with the Permit and related information.
Prepare a detailed description of your pop up with a floor plan, and schedule an in-person appointment to meet with City Planning. To schedule an appointment, click HERE. A sample floor plan (for reference only), which shows what information should be included in your drawing, can be found HERE.
It is strongly recommended that you meet with City staff about your pop-up proposal 60 days prior to your desired opening date.
While at the City, depending on the scope of work and the methods of construction, you may also need to review your proposal with additional divisions, including: Building and Safety, Fire, Public Works and Mobility.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure that the commercial broker or property owner can verify that the following items have been addressed:
- The fire alarms and fire extinguishers must have been inspected once in the past year.
- The fire sprinklers must have been inspected once in the last 5 years.
- Exit signs and emergency lighting must be working properly.
The Fire Department will want to see certifications of compliance, verifying that the systems of the commercial space are being maintained and are operational.
If you have specific questions regarding signage for your building or business, schedule an in-person appointment to meet with a planner at the City of Santa Monica. To schedule an appointment with City Planning, click HERE.
For general information on portable signage, upper level signage and information signage in Downtown Santa Monica, click HERE.
To submit a question about signage through 311, or to find information on the City's sign regulations, click HERE.
A Use of Public Property Permit (UoPP) is required when any person or a company would like to temporarily use any public street, parkway, sidewalk, alley, park, or other public land. Temporary uses may include:
- Moving container
- Temporary fencing
- Protective canopy
- Building material
- Debris and debris receptacle (dumpster)
- Equipment (such as a crane) in connection with any building or other work upon adjacent private property
For more information on how to obtain a Use of Public Property Permit, click HERE.
To schedule an in-person appointment with the Public Works Department, click HERE.
The City of Santa Monica requires that a Use of Public Property Permit (UoPP) be issued when space is needed in the public right-of-way for construction and maintenance activities.
For work on the Promenade that requires a vehicle or equipment, you will need to complete a TSP Access Request Form. To obtain the TSP form, click HERE.
Once you obtain all three required signatures on the TSP form, you will need to email your application to pw.permits@santamonica.gov or schedule an in-person appointment with the Public Works Department. To schedule an in-person appointment, click HERE.
Work activity outside of 8am-6pm weekdays and 9am-5pm Saturday will also require an After-Hours Permit. To obtain an After-Hours Permit, it must be demonstrated that work cannot reasonably occur under the authorized construction hours and shall be limited to interior work only.
A Temporary Traffic Control Plan may also be required. This will be determined by your Permit Specialist at the Permit Services Center.
The process of obtaining Roadway Closure Permits is now fully online for all public applicants. Click
here to learn more.